
Anticorruption barometer



Anti-Corruption Barometer is the first tool of its kind. Its purpose is to monitor systemic anti-corruption measures in the Czech Republic. Anti-Corruption Barometer monitors the level of fulfilment of each of 140 anti-coruption requierements (parameters). The results are aggregated within 5 areas. The average of individual parameters' values constitutes the final value of Anti-Corruption Barometer.

Parameter values. The value of each individual parameter is derived from two benchmarks: effectiveness and progression.

a) Effectiveness. Effectiveness bechmark determines the level - 0 %, 25 %, 50 % , 75 % and 100 % - of fulfilment of individual anti-corruption parameters (requirements) in drafted or adopted legislation.

b) Progression. Progression benchmark monitors in which phase of legislative process are proposals of legal regulations which try to implement the outlined anti-corruption parameters (requirements). This is complemented by a wide-ranging media monitoring which helps to detemine to which extent the adopted laws containing the aforementioned anti-corruption parameters (requirements) are enforced.

Evaluation of parameter values. Fulfilment of individual parameters in the perspective of effectiveness is assessed by academics of the Department of Political Science of the University of Economics, Prague and by legal experts of Lexperanto association. The changes of parameters' values are compared to the base level that corresponds to the state of anti-corruption measures on 1 September 2015. They are regularly assessed at the end of each month and compared to the state at the end of the previous month.

Scope of parameters. Anti-Corruption Barometer strives to monitor all areas of corruption concerning public sector. Anti-Corruption Barometer, however, does not monitor the implementation of anti-corruption measures that concern solely private sector because of the difficulty to distinguish in this sector acts of corruption and pure economic criminality. Anti-Corruption Barometer parameters are categorized into five general areas and into twenty-one more detailed sub-areas. The ambition of Anti-Corruption Barometer is to cover all areas that concern public sector or are related with this sector.

Contents of parameters. Each sub-area aggregating normally five to ten parameters creates functional solution of the corruption problem in given context. Individual parameters per se do not bring the solution of corruption. Solutions of corruption problems in different areas are in the vast majority derived from general principles encompassed within the international documents and in certain cases are adapted to the Czech environment.

Resources - mainstream v. alternative sources of parameters. Most parameters of Anti-Corruption Barometer are derived from documents of international organizations, such as UN, OECD or EU, and are complemented with more targeted documents of Czech public institutions, NGOs or expert publications in the area of corruption. The resources are, where possible, sorted by the level of authority – from international institutions via European organisations to national authorities. From the factual point of view, the resources are sorted from the most general to the most specific ones and according to the time when they were published (from the newest to the oldest).

Wording of parameters. The wording of parameters is derived from the wording of source documents. For better understandability it is not purely copied from these sources. The wording of parameters is rephrased in a way to make them simple and easily comprehensible while keeping a material relationship with the original source text.

Positive or negative outlook? Since on the basis of anticorruption parameters monitoring the state of adoption and effectiveness of systemic anti-corruption measures it is not possible to capture either the impact of prosecution of corruption criminality nor the “(anti)corruption” atmosphere in the society, the category called “Outlook” complements the anticorruption parameters following the model of rating agencies. The “Outlook” is aimed at the upcoming month on the basis of the information from the preceding month by the Anti-corruption Barometer Team.

Source documents