Areas of interest – current state
1. Control of politicians
Effectiveness: | |
More |
2. Transparent financing of political parties
Effectiveness: | |
More |
3. Non-corrupt and professional public administration
Effectiveness: | |
More |
4. Transparent and effective public investment
Effectiveness: | |
More |
5. Abolition of anonymous ownership
Effectiveness: | |
More |
Number of articles about corruption in the Anticorruption barometer
Last month: 0
Areas of interest – over time
Latest articles
2020-11-30 | Ani Fico, ani Berlusconi. Evropský výbor poprvé v historii řeší střet zájmů premiéra. Babiše (Ladislav Šustr, |
2020-11-30 | Babiš je ve střetu zájmů, potvrdila poslední verze auditu Evropské komise (ČTK, |
2020-11-30 | Babiš: Střet zájmů nemám, Agrofert neovládám a neřídím (ČTK, |
2020-11-30 | EK definitivně potvrdila Babišův střet zájmů. Premiér to odmítá (Redakce, ČTK, |
2020-11-30 | Evropská komise potvrdí Babišův střet zájmů (ČTK, |
2020-11-30 | Konečná verze auditu Evropské komise potvrzuje střet zájmů premiéra Babiše (ČTK, sob, |
2020-11-13 | Chozením za dveře Babiš svůj střet zájmů nevyřeší, zní čerstvá kritika z Bruselu. Dotace mají skončit (Lenka Kabrhelová , Pavel Vondra , Tomáš Roček, |
2020-11-13 | Sněmovna bude schvalovat zákon o majitelích nebo náhradní výživné (ČTK, |
2020-11-12 | ‚Že vás to ještě baví.‘ Babiš při interpelacích opět odmítl střet zájmů, také zesměšňoval Piráty (Vít Svoboda, |
2020-11-12 | Babiš jako tygr v masně. Na premiéra míří kritika za jeho potvrzený střet zájmů (Echo24, LSU, |
Latest parameters changes
01/2018 #132 Wire transfers of shares
The Act on public registers introduces as of 1 January 2018 the obligation for legal persons to register information about its beneficial owner(s) to the register of beneficial owners, however, this information cannot be verified and are is public.
01/2018 #133 Abolition of Trust Funds
The Act on public registers introduces as of 1 January 2018 the obligation for trustfunds to register them as well as information about their beneficial owner(s) to the register of trustfunds, however, this information cannot be verified and ais not public.
10/2017 #41 Limitation of monetary donations for elections and from natural persons only
10/2017 #42 Monetary donations from account to account (transparent)
The Act on elections to the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, as amended as of 1 January 2017, obliges political parties to keep a special transparent account for the purpose of the electoral campaign and pay electoral expenses from this account. The Act does not allow provision of funds and other benefits for the purpose of electoral campaign from trust funds nor from foreign legal persons.
10/2017 #43 Identification of natural persons directly covering the costs of electoral advertisements
The Act on elections to the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, as amended as of 1 January 2017, requires that the electoral advertising and also electoral billboards identified the person who commissioned it, prepared it as well as the political parties or independent candidates.
10/2017 #44 Online disclosure of contracts and invoices for electoral advertisements
The Act on elections to the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, as amended as of 1 January 2017, obliges political parties to publish on their internet website the overview of financial transactions registered on the special transparent electoral account, however, these published information about the transactions registered on the account will not enable the identification of individual services, for example, the payment for a billboard in a specific locality, which were paid from this special transparent account.