Control of politicians
— #24 Asset disclosure before becoming a candidate
Declaration of all property acquisitions before becoming a candidate for public function (“asset declaration photo”) attested by the relevant documents which should be published on the internet;
If the „state of assets photo“ of the candidate before election was evidenced by the relevant documents, the baseline state would be established against which it would be possible to compare the later state of assets of the elected representative.
- Art. 8 (5) of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, 14 December 2005
- OECD: Guidelines for Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Service, June 2013, point 1.2.1., p. 7 – 8
- Point 109 of the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters (Venice Commission): Guidelines and Explanatory report, Venice, 18-19 October 2002, CDL-AD(2002)023rev
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Conception for years 2015 - 2017, chap. 2.1.2., p. 5
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Action Plan for 2015, chap. 2, p. 9
- Transparency International Czech Republic, Conflict of interest – Czech Republic [online], p. 9 – 11
- REST. Electronic asset declaration as of the date of entry into a public office, Reconstruction of the State, 2013, principles 1 and 3
- Transparency International: Corruption risks in the Visegrad Countries – Visegrad Integrity System Study, 2012, p. 28
- Myerson, R., Democratic Decentralization and Economic Development, Chicago University, February 2013 [online], p. 15
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 4: Non-corruption statement and asset declaration, December 2013
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