
Anticorruption barometer

Update history

Non-corrupt and professional public administration — #65 Register of public-private contracts

Contracts between public administration and private entities shall be disclosed in the public accessible register of contracts at the central single web address. Legal effect of such contracts shall be conditioned by their disclosure in the publicly accessible register of contracts at the central single web address.

Justification and sources

Selected update

Updated: 11/2015 Parameter update history

The law is adopted but not yet in force

The Lower Chamber outvoted the Senate and adopted the Act on public register of contracts which sets out an obligation to disclose contracts concluded between public institutions and private companies in the publicly accessible online registry while the entry into force of these contracts is conditioned by this online publication.

Compared to current state

Updated: 07/2016 Parameter update history

The law is in force

The Act on public register of contracts which sets out an obligation to disclose contracts concluded between public institutions and private companies in the publicly accessible online registry while the entry into force of these contracts is conditioned by this online publication is in force as of 1 July 2016.