Selected update
Updated: 04/2017 Parameter update history
Effectiveness: | |
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The law proposal is in the Lower Chamber |
The Government proposal, which is in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, does not provide for enhanced cooperation and simplified means of communication of the whistleblower with the law enforcement bodies. The parallel MP proposal enables the whistleblower to file the announcement through a secured information system of the Supreme State Prosecutor while allowing him to communicate in anonymity with law enforcement bodies.
Compared to current state
Updated: 06/2017 Parameter update history
Effectiveness: | |
Progression: | |
The law proposal is in the Lower Chamber |
The Government proposal, which is in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, does not provide for enhanced cooperation and simplified means of communication of the whistleblower with the law enforcement bodies. The parallel MP proposal enables the whistleblower to file the announcement through a secured information system of the Supreme State Prosecutor while allowing him to communicate in anonymity with law enforcement bodies.